
1-5mm CPC Petroleum Coke Calcined

1-5mm CPC Petroleum Coke Calcined

Calcined petroleum coke has a sponge-like structure which plays an important role in the making of anodes. The pores allow binding material to penetrate through the coke particles and form a solid ...

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Calcined petroleum coke has a sponge-like structure which plays an important role in the making of anodes. The pores allow binding material to penetrate through the coke particles and form a solid carbon block, through which aluminum smelters conduct electricity into their smelting pots.

Over time, the anodes are consumed, roughly at the rate of 40 tons of calcined petroleum coke for each 100 tons of aluminum produced. Currently, there is no known commercially viable substitute for calcined petroleum coke in the fabrication and utilization of aluminum smelter anodes.

Calcined Petroleum Coke is mainly used for metallurgy & foundry, it can improve the carbon content in steel-melting and casting, Also it can increase the quantity of scrap steel and reduce the quantity of pig iron, or use no scrap iron at all. It’s also can be used for brake pedal and friction material.

0.05 0.03 99 0.05 0.05 0.3 1-5MM
0.5 0.5 98.5 0.5 0.5 0.8 1-5MM
0.8 1 98 0.7 0.5 0.8 1-5MM

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